Đánh giá của chúng tôi
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D-Link Unifi ed Services Routers off er secure, high performance networking solutions to
address the growing needs of businesses. The integrated high-speed IEEE 802.11n and
wireless technologies off er comparable performance to traditional wired networks,
but with fewer limitations. Each router provides optimal network security with features
such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnels, IP Security (IPSec), Point-to-Point Tunnelling
Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP), and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). These
routers empower your mobile workers with remote access anywhere and anytime using
SSL VPN tunnels.
Comprehensive Management Capabilities.
The DSR-250N/500N/1000N include dual-WAN Gigabit Ethernet that provides policy
based service management ensuring maximum productivity for your business operations.
The failover feature maintains data traffi c without disconnecting when a landline
connection is lost. The Outbound Load Balancing feature2
adjusts outgoing traffi c across
two WAN interfaces and optimises the system performance resulting in high availability.
The second WAN port can be confi gured as a DMZ port allowing you to isolate servers
from your LAN.
Superior Wireless Performance
Designed to deliver superior wireless performance, the DSR-250N/500N/1000N include
802.11 a1
/b/g/n, allowing for operation on either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz1
wireless LAN
radio bands. Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) technology allows the DSR-1000N to
provide high data rates with minimal “dead spots” throughout the wireless coverage area.